Sunday, September 28, 2008

Have you ever wondered...

Why you keep having TONNES of stuffs to do, and you never seemed to get close to clearing those stuffs?

Or is it human nature to keep ADDING stuffs to that long list?


I, for one, would definitely cherish the day when I have NOTHING to do, NOTHING to complete, NOTHING to rush. But could that day be the day I leave my job??? Ooppss... Or the day I leave earth? Yipes...

Ok, anyways... this is going to be a progressive post... I will post things that I have to do, and then later post what I had done... Here goes:

BEFORE: -------------------------- AFTER:

1. Prepare the quarterly quiz for my sales team - DONE! Woohoo!!!

2. Complete my monthly report (September)

3. Clear my unread emails (138) -------- Down to 122 (as of 3:46pm)

4. Clean my house (2 hrs)

5. Spend time with God (2 hrs)

6. Run the 10 rounds below 33:24.22 --- DONE! Did 28:47.35 easily! Praise God!

7. Do at least 1 chin up ----------------- FAILED! Couldn't even pull myself up... :P

8. Do 80 sit ups in less than 4:32.82

9. Re-fill my car water tank ------------- DONE!

10. Sleep at 10pm and get at least 7 hours sleep - FAILED! Still got so much to go... :(


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